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6 reasons to switch to a double edge safety razor

6 reasons to switch to a double edge safety razor

Before disposable and cartridge system razors were introduced back in the 1970’s, double-edge safety razors were the popular method for shaving.

With the release of our brand new BEARDED. Double-Edge Safety Razor, here are six reasons we think they should make a come back:

It's more cost effective

While the cost of a safety razor may initially be higher than a cartridge or disposable model, the ongoing cost of replacement blades is significantly lower than cartridge razors. 

With proper care, safety razors and their blades will also last longer.

BEARDED NZ Safety Razor

It achieves a better quality shave

Unlike other razors, the safety razor only has one blade to work over your skin. This helps reduce irritation, shave bumps and ingrown hairs that are commonplace when shaving with razors with multiple blades.

Think of it like this; if you are using a 5 blade cartridge razor and go over your face 3 times, you’re exposing your skin to 15 passes of a blade. Compare this to a safety razor which exposes your skin to just one blade in one pass. 

The less you expose your skin to blades, the more grateful your skin will be.

They are longer lasting

The safety razor is designed to last, especially if you take the care to maintain it. 

To extend it’s lifetime for even longer, we have a razor stand available made specifically for our safety razor.

There’s less environmental impact

Disposable and cartridge razors can generate a substantial amount of waste due to the fact that you often need to replace the entire unit rather than just the blades when the blades dull.

On the other hand, safety razors primarily require changing only the blade, which generates less waste. 

You’ll hone some superior shaving skills

Shaving with a safety razor requires a bit more skill and patience to get the technique right.

In the long run though, it will result in a more satisfying, rewarding and precise shave.

You’ll be taking back tradition

In a time before multiple blade razors came on the scene, our grandfathers likely used double-edge safety razors. They are a reflection of the traditional way of life where tasks were done with craftsmanship and purpose.

By switching to a safety razor, you’ll be taking back a piece of history, nostalgia and tradition.

Of course there are many ways to shave a face, and it all comes down to personal preference. If you are looking at switching to a double-edge safety razor but need more advice, get in touch with us and we would be happy to share our knowledge and recommendations.

Check out the double edge safety razor and all its features here.

Until next time, happy bearding!


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